Social Buttons

Ex: element type="facebook" then name of icons is "fa-facebook".

You can find the full examples of usage at Font Awesome - Font Awesome 4.1.0

[social type="facebook"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="google-plus"]      PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="dribbble"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="flickr" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]  PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="linkedin" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]     PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="rss" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]      PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="skype" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="youtube" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="facebook" style="min"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="min"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="cicle"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="cicle"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="flat" color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="flat" color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="cicle" color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="cicle" color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" title="Facebook" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" title="Twitter" color="Yes"]     PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="google-plus" title="Google" color="Yes"]           PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" title="Pinit" color="Yes"]             PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="small" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="default"  color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="large" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="twitter" size="small"  color="Yes"]   PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" size="default"  color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" size="large"  color="Yes"]   PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="pinterest" size="small" color="Yes"]          PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" size="default" color="Yes"]        PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" size="large" color="Yes"]          PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]




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  • Enderezo: Rúa Longa, 27 - 15900 Padrón
  • Teléfono: (+34) 981 810 451
  • Correo electrónico:

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